Teams compete in rugby ‘festivals’ throughout the summer on select weekends. Unlike typical sport tournaments, rugby festivals:
Have 3 games maximum; no playoffs or championship games on top of this
Take place in the morning and end in early afternoon (typically 8am – 9am start; 12pm – 1pm finish)
7 on 7 format
Games are 30 minutes in length (15 minute halves, 5 minute halftime)
It is our policy that participation in each and every festival is not mandatory for the players as summer can be a busy time. We do however encourage the kids take part in as many festivals as possible as the live game situations really improve their experience and rugby skills.
We ask that the parents/guardians email or call their coach before Wednesday’s practice with their availability for that weekend’s festival so that the coach can set his or her roster accordingly. If enough players are attending then we will enter multiple teams to ensure lots of playing time for each player.
U8, U10 & U12 generally attend the same festivals as this promotes a greater sense of club friendship building and for parents of children belonging to 2 or more teams to be with their children on the festival day. The U6’s are not catered for at the majority of tournaments as they are considered a little young to play in live game situations. They still play games at practice so don’t miss out on the fun!